Posted: August 31, 2019
Tony Robson (Left) has once again clinched the Garland/Worth Gardening 'Sales Agent of the Year' award with an impressive 86.33 per cent sales increase after so narrowly losing out last year at the last...
Posted: July 31, 2019
Glee sees launch of new cover range made from ‘fabric of the future’
A new range of garden covers using a material described as the ‘fabric of the future’ is being launched by Garland...
Posted: May 31, 2019
Record after record is being broken at Garland/Worth Gardening, as we have seen every month set a new record over the previous best for the months so far. May has traditionally been the company's biggest...
Posted: January 31, 2019
As we tip in to the new year Garland/Worth Gardening gets off to a flying start with yet another record month. Commenting on the seasons start Mark Dedman, Sales Director is delighted with the whole teams...
Posted: January 30, 2019
A good quality garden broom or brush is perfect for clearing away fallen leaves and even stubborn marks, lichens, liverworts and algae from hard surfaces. Once again Garland/Worth Gardening acquire further...