Record Glee for Garland/Worth Gardening

This year has seen Garland/Worth Gardening gain massive support from the garden trade. This years Glee trade fair was the busiest ever in the companies history, with major interest being shown in the companies products for the 2019 season. Garland has already seen 40% growth over this season and 2019 looks set to continue in a similar way. This year has been a tough one for the industry, with the late cold snap from the Beast from the East holding back the early sales, the industry was left feeling flat and sales depressed. March then saw the biggest shake up in the trade, when Gardman, a massive supply force to the garden retailers, went up in flames, right at the time when they were hoping for a boost in sales to come at any moment. Thankfully with Garland/Worth Gardening being a UK manufacturer making over 65% of their products in their own factory in the West Midlands, they were well placed to help out all of its existing customers wherever possible. This Glee has seen those customers renew their commitment to Garland for the foreseeable future and it has also brought a big wave of new business as the tough supply conditions have sent many more customers looking to secure a stable supply chain for the future.

Glee 2018 Glee 2018 Glee 2018 Glee 2018